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Life Lessons – My blog Just another WordPress site Tue, 24 Jan 2017 11:48:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Tips for the Season Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:20:07 +0000 […]]]> Transition

“The World is in labor,

She groans in travail…..”

Lyrics from, “For the Love of it All”, Paul Stookey

Peter, Paul and Mary

Every where I look these days I have only one word that adequately describes this season to me…Transition.

There has never been a more poignant season of transition. Globally the news is full of reports of wars, riots, regimes falling, economic crisis. It’s as if the entire world is shaking and shifting….groaning. As an American celebrating this 4th of July, Independence Day, I feel more concerned and prayerful over this nation than ever before. I believe our only hope actually rests on taking our God given freedom and freely choosing to become completely dependant on God. The problems in our nation have escalated to unprecedented heights.…

Staggering debts, unemployment, rising costs, it’s as if the very nation is….groaning.

In my own young fellowship there is a squeezing and shifting best described as a state of transition.


Like a woman in labor….about to deliver….the squeezing, the stretching, the intensity of the pains increasing and coming closer and closer together…ah yes, transition.

When the early labor begins, it’s so exciting! New life is coming! There is still the ability to laugh, to walk together, to rock and soothe. It’s a time of great joy and anticipation. The pain is….manageable.

Oh….but when things shift into the transition phase of giving birth…

Things can get…intense, even downright ugly.

Having birthed 4 babies and being privileged to attend several births, I can tell you a bit about transition.

I have seen quiet little mama’s practically stand in the stirrups on the birthing table and tell things they never dreamed of saying out loud, and sweet voices changing to almost grizzly bear growls.

I heard one poor woman shout, “I’m done.“ She was cancelling the whole thing and just wanted someone to stop the process and let her go home.

My girlfriend told me she was putting her “face” on when transition hit. She had only gotten past the green primer that helped tone her pregnancy induced red flushed skin when like a race car, her body shifted gears! She gave birth looking more like Shrek than herself, although her poor husband might have wondered if she had taken on ”true love’s form”!

She laughs about it….now. I’m still laughing! It’s a perfect picture of transition!

So….I guess what I’m saying is….once the baby is born, all the green faced growling, name calling, angry outbursts, words said under pressure and in the squeeze, the husband that doesn‘t seem to get what’s happening, say the right things, or goes too fast or too slow…well, they just don’t matter.

Actually, they become a precious part of the story.

The transition phase isn’t much fun when you’re in it…. but later it is remembered with a lot of joy and laughter!

When I realized I was sitting in church next to some green faced ogres, and there were some pretty amazing words and emotions swirling around….I thought…transition! Here we go! It won’t be long now!

It won’t be long now….although it seems like forever to the ones laboring and feeling the pains, the squeezing…transition doesn’t last forever. Soon we’ll get to hold “the baby”…and the joy of that moment will be worth it. It’s going to be worth it all.

Transition is best handled with grace, lots of love, and not taking stuff said personally. In addition to prayer and Bible study here are a few ideas to consider.

Some tips if you are in “transition”:

1. Rest as much as possible between contractions.

You will need strength to push and then care for the “baby” God is bringing. Rest between the pains and the tremendous pressure and stretching.

2. Focus on what’s important.

So what if every one sees your green face, or you said or heard some pretty ugly stuff? Focus on what God is birthing.

3. Don’t forget to breathe.

Stop and take a breather. Relax, don’t hold your breath! Be aware.

4. Work with your body.

You may need to change position…rock a while, lay aside, get low.

5. Ask for what you need.

It’s okay! Ask for a backrub, ice chips, someone’s hand to squeeze, for quiet time, for….help. Transition is no time to be alone!

6. Forgive quickly.

Forgive. Forgive generously. My friend, Susan, shared that it helps to focus on how God feels about that person. Let’s remember John3:16!

The word of God tells us…

We know the whole creation is groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

We are all in this season! Joined by the entire creation we hear the sounds of the season…the groaning that is beyond words, the roar from even the most timid soul, the squeeze, the pressures as God Himself is enlarging us….stretching all of us in His own way.

It’s a time for love, grace, prayer, grace, humility, more grace….um- did I mention….Grace?J

Romans 8:22, NIV

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Roots from the Garden Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:18:33 +0000 […]]]> Roots From the Garden….

I am prone to wonderings and ponderings. Perhaps it’s lake life. It’s so easy to rest my eyes on the waters of Lake Wilson and just think thoughts. Thoughts lead to questions which lead to prayer which leads me to God. I ask God questions….He sends me answers in many ways….

Sometimes He sends me a dream in the night. I think that’s because it’s one of the rare times when I am quiet!J

Sometimes it’s subtle, like a tiny nudge.

Sometimes a thought pops up in my mind that “Wows” me and I know that had to come from God.

Sometimes God speaks to me through my Tom, or my girlfriends, my sister, my niece, a sermon, a song, the beautiful scenery, nature, billboards, bumper stickers, a penny on the sidewalk reminds me…”In God We Trust”

There are so many ways God gets to me! I love the ways He gets to me!

He gets me.

One thing is for sure. He always confirms what I feel Him speaking to me through His word! Always.

If it doesn’t line up with a Biblical “it is written”, I toss it!

I found myself thinking about gossip…. I remember an early message about a lady who became convicted over her “long tongue”. She went to a minister for help. She wanted to make it right.

He gave her an assignment.

“Fill a sack with feathers”.

She did. “Now what”?

“Go to the road and throw them to the wind as you walk”.

She did. “Now what”?

“Now, go pick up every feather”….Though she tried, she could not…so it is with gossip. Words fly like feathers on the wind.

Precious reader, I will tell you I have been on every side of this! Okay, so I wasn’t that woman but I could have been. I wanted to lay my own long tongue on the alter! If I could find one big enough! I have also felt the walls built by invisible bricks made of words spoken in whispers, and the heart piercing arrows of poisonous words hurled through the spirit realm.

We must be very careful about our words, both spoken and heard!


There’s lots of ways to gossip……

Some people dress it up in the form of a prayer request, or a concern.


Gossip is defined as:

1. conversation about personal matters: conversation about the personal details of other people’s lives, whether rumor or fact, especially when malicious

2. casual conversation: informal conversation or writing about recent and often personal events

3. habitual talker: somebody who habitually discusses the personal details of others’ lives

talk about other people: to spread rumors or tell people the personal details of others’ lives, especially maliciously

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

In Genesis 3:1 The serpent begins with a question.

….”Did God really say, “You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”


Oh, if only Eve answered something like…

“Hold that question, God will be here in a little while to walk in the cool of the day. We can ask Him then“….

Like Eve, many of us really do not know how dangerous it is to have these kinds of conversations! She and Adam were the lead couple of mankind! Satan knew exactly what He was doing….bringing death. His mission? To steal, kill, and destroy. He is still using the same methods.

Watch out for people who want to tell you what someone else has said! Especially if that person is not present! Like the Serpent and Eve’s conversation, words tend to get added and twisted and before you know it you will be dealing with heartburn from fruit you weren’t meant to ingest!

I was reading through Proverbs 29 when this leaped off the page…

“When a leader listens to malicious gossip,

all the workers get infected with evil.”

Proverbs 29:12 The Message

Wow! I was floored to read this! As a Registered Nurse, I’ve learned that there are many ways to become infected. A person can get exposed by touch, through inhaling, through body fluids, through many portals of contact.

Wow! Listen! The ear bent to gossip is a portal of evil infection!

We see it in political circles, we see it in the workplace, and sadly, we see it in the church. Evil destroys trust, which destroys relationships.

God flows through relationship…He flows through unity….

So….there is the strategy. Again. It happened in the gorgeous Garden of Eden, it still happens today. The enemy of our souls has not come up with a new tactic…we still fall for the old one!

The stakes were high back then, they are still high today.

I have said many times that Satan couldn’t defeat the church so, he joined it.

I hate to say it, but he uses us to infect each other…By gossip!

Speaking….Listening….it’s got to stop.

How? I believe the only way to kill the evil infection that gossip looses is through humility, forgiveness and repenting.

Perhaps you’ve been “sickened” by gossip. Have you been the target of gossip, or you have been exposed to hearing gossip, or perhaps you are a gossip? YES! Been there…. done that… been that!

I am “sick” of it. If you agree, join me, if you will, in this prayer:

Lord, I humble myself before You and ask You to search my heart and see if there are any wicked ways in me. Please, shine your light on every hidden part. Forgive me for every word spoken and heard that did not bring life. Deliver me from any evil that I have been infected with. Please heal every wound that gossip has brought to me and through me. I forgive those that have gossiped about me and those who listened. I forgive myself for speaking and for listening. Purify my heart, let Your words become mine, and keep me from evil that I will not cause pain to myself or others. Help me walk in grace, mercy and love. You alone are my redeemer, my salvation, my hope and my life. Thank You for no weapon formed against me shall prosper, You deal with every tongue. Please, Bless me indeed, let Your hand be on me, and enlarge my territory to Your Glory- Double for my Trouble! In Jesus Name, Amen

Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

De nos jours, de plus en plus d’Américains choisissent de mettre tout cela en ligne
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Pourtant, il est important de savoir que c’est l’un des médicaments parfaits de tous les temps. La recommandation est élémentaire, mais elle peut faire toute la différence si vous avez besoin d’informations sur le sujet. La plupart des médicaments peuvent nous aider, mais les médicaments peuvent également avoir des effets secondaires nocifs. Des études ont montré à plusieurs reprises que les réactions allergiques au remède sont rares, mais les hommes doivent être très prudents lorsqu’ils utilisent ces pilules. Selon les statistiques, ces remèdes sont généralement sans danger lorsqu’ils sont utilisés conformément à la prescription et ont relativement peu d’effets secondaires indésirables. Avant de prendre tout médicament, informez votre médecin si vous présentez ou avez eu un rétrécissement de la valve aortique. Ne prenez pas plus de génériques que ce qui est recommandé. En fin de compte, cela laisse évidemment beaucoup de préoccupations à considérer. Gardez à l’esprit que les médicaments sont importants car ils stimulent l’énergie. De toute évidence, Internet est le moyen alternatif de commander tout type de générique car il offre le plaisir de commander via Internet.
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Bien sûr, les problèmes de santé peuvent survenir rapidement. Cet aspect est apprécié très positivement par les patients et leurs familles, spécial avec tous les choix disponibles. À tout moment, le Web est le moyen rentable d’obtenir des médicaments pour tous les appareils. Internet a déjà bouleversé des industries entières à travers le monde. Les soins de santé n’ont pas été plus lents à changer, et des pharmacies en ligne sont apparues en réponse. Il n’est pas surprenant que de nombreuses sociétés pharmaceutiques se soient connectées en ligne. Les pharmacies étrangères respectées sur Internet ont des repères de qualité bien définis, des politiques de sécurité simples et une adresse physique vérifiable. Lorsque les consommateurs sont satisfaits du service, ils prévoient de continuer à acheter des médicaments sur ordonnance en ligne. Il y a beaucoup de dangers à considérer lors de la commande de vos remèdes sur ordonnance en ligne. D’une manière ou d’une autre, l’avenir de ce marché en ligne semble très prometteur. Des questions, comme «Viagra cost», sont liées à quelques types de problèmes de santé. Plus tard, il sera peut-être intéressant d’en parler davantage.
Pourquoi les médicaments sont-ils contrefaits?

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Some Assembly Required Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:17:57 +0000 […]]]> Under the cold grey skies of late January my Father left his weary body behind and with one final breath, he was gone. It was kind of him to leave in the dreary days of winter.

The weather provided ample excuse to stay in and rest my heavy heart.

The last days of his life had taken it’s toll on me….

The others had surrendered to exhaustion and the house was quiet when I heard his soft scream. The sound of that cry still haunts me. I woke up trying to figure out where I was in the darkness. I groped my way to his room. By the second scream I was at his side.

Our eyes met.

“I’m here sweetheart”.

He nodded his head. No words needed. His eyes told me he knew help was coming. The stoic old soldier quieted himself. His many years of suffering had forged a patience known only by a few. His courage in life and in death are indescribable.

My bare feet hit the floor running. The morphine was in the refrigerator!

I wiped out rounding the corner to the kitchen, slipping on water that had spilled over the dog’s water bowls. With a move that was worthy of a professional wrestler, I body slammed the rock hearth and hit the floor with a loud boom. I would have gotten some medical attention but I knew time was short…within 32 hours he was gone.

It is a comfort to know that he is now at rest, at peace in the presence of God. However; there is an unspeakable horror in seeing the man I so dearly loved writhing in pain, trapped in a body that refused to give up life easily.

Whatever reserves I had were fully spent.

At first it was good to be alone. I put myself to bed. I took long soaks in the tub. Slowly the fog began to clear.

When my friend Jan asked me when I had eaten last, I couldn’t remember. She called in a few minutes to tell me to expect food to be delivered later that day.

It took effort to dress but when Rebecca showed up with home made soup, cupcakes and kind words laced with genuine love, it was more than worth it.

I took a bowl of soup and a cupcake and crawled back in bed.

That’s when I went on my HGTV marathon.

Armed with soup, crackers, Pringles, chocolate , my journal, my favorite pen and lots of toilet paper (I’d blown through the boxed tissues the first 2 days home), I crawled back to bed.

I had no immediate plans to ever leave.

Grief has many faces. I wasn’t alarmed as I wafted from tears, to sorrow, then to anger, to acceptance, then back to anger and on and on emotions swirled like tempest waves on stormy seas.

“Designed to Sell” came on. Where the heck do they get the assemble-it-yourself living room sets for $300?

I watched them work. The effort. The many hands. The time. The mistakes.

When the camera is off, the crew is left to work behind the scenes- ah but such is the bargain of “some assembly required”.

It’s the same thing with people.

All of us have a place uniquely designed by a creative genius, God.

The bargain is obvious!

Sins- completely covered- price to me? Free!

Freedom- cost? Charged to Christ.

Well, I could go on and on with the metaphors but there is one big caveat.

Some Assembly Required!

You simply can’t get it together any other way!

This is the task delegated to the local fellowship. Or, you can stay in the box, never to know or fulfill your full potential.

A lady friend once told me she was quite happy in her religious box until I came and kicked the sides out… was one of the nicest things ever said to me!

So….what happens in assembly?

You get touched!

Yes! In the presence of God, whether through a song, a message, a hug…it takes being touched to come out of “the box”.

You get turned!

The way you were in “the box” is rarely the way you are set up for use.

You get connected!

God will join you to other “parts” of similar or complimentary purpose.


You will be used!

Just as a couch is designed to be beautiful in the space it’s intended for, it also gives rest to the weary…. after it’s assembled.

Ah, yes! In God’s house there are many beautiful wonders.

Some for exclusive use for special occasions. Often these are fragile, gorgeous and priceless.

Some can be used in many ways, multi-purpose and tough enough to stand up to daily wear and tear.

Oh sure, some are used more than others! Take the little used crystal vase. It spends a lot of time on the shelf, but when the Master of the house sends His beloved a gorgeous fragrant bouquet of flowers for no other purpose than to show His love for His bride, there’s no comparing the beauty of the sun kissing the perfectly clean, polished cuts to contain that beauty and reflect the light. We are all useful….the hardy, the fragile, the new, the old.

We are all important to God.

We all have a glory to be revealed.

We all have the opportunity to get out of our proverbial box and to become fully useful!

So, I laid down my remote control and drove my weary soul to church.

Can God speak through HGTV? Of course He can, and HE did!

As soon as I walked into Grace House, my local fellowship here in the Shoals of Alabama…..

I was touched!

I was turned!

I was connected!

I was even used! A kind lady told me just yesterday that I said something to her…it had made a big difference, she said it gave her hope…it…helped.

Connected – by bonds of love welded in the fires of adversity.

Turned- away from the fake responces when asked how I was doing, I never said, “I’m fine”, I told the truth….”I’m a mess”.

Touched-by loving friends ,kind words, music, the message…deeply touched in places of my heart that only the Spirit can reach.

Sure, it feels safe in the box. It’s…familiar. Don’t settle for the confines of a dull cardboard life! God has designed a good plan for us! However; there is…..

Some Assembly Required!!!!!


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Si bien no sabemos con precisión cómo se desarrollará el futuro, podemos mirar las señales en el mercado hoy para comenzar a pintar una imagen del futuro de la salud. En ocasiones, muchas familias necesitan medicamentos para resolver las disfunciones. Otro impacto digital es que ahora se ha vuelto fácil acceder a diversos medicamentos disponibles en línea sin perder tiempo y otros recursos. Hay muchos sitios web de farmacias que ofrecen conveniencia para comprar medicamentos. Las tendencias recientes de las grandes farmacéuticas muestran que los costos pueden dispararse y probablemente seguirán aumentando. Afortunadamente, existen numerosas formas en las que los pacientes pueden obtener sus medicamentos a bajo costo, y los médicos están perfectamente posicionados para ayudar a navegar este proceso. Los pacientes deben comparar los costos de comprar remedios en línea, por ejemplo, el precio de los medicamentos. ¿Existen soluciones sencillas para reducir los costes sanitarios? Claro, el gran punto de venta de las farmacias en Internet son los precios bajos. Muchos medicamentos vienen en diferentes concentraciones; sin embargo, dividir las tabletas de dosis más altas para obtener su dosis a un precio más bajo no siempre es una buena idea. Sin duda, levitra es una muy buena idea. Todos podemos encontrar información confiable sobre el tema de fuentes basadas en evidencia, incluida la WEB, los medios de comunicación e incluso amigos.
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Este artículo brinda más información sobre este tema. ¿Has oído hablar de cialis generico? ¿Cómo puede encontrar información detallada en la WEB?
Más adelante puede resultar interesante hablar de esto. Hablemos ahora de varios medicamentos que puede comprar en la Web. Por lo tanto, comprar sustancias controladas en línea sin una receta válida puede ser punible en Estados Unidos. Hay varias farmacias en línea con licencia completa donde las personas pueden comprar cialis generico.
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Puede que no sea una sorpresa que no recibir suficiente atención sobre la salud pueda aumentar su riesgo de sufrir incontables problemas de salud. Las nuevas herramientas tecnológicas permiten comprar sus artículos favoritos en una gran cantidad de sitios de compras en línea disponibles en la Web. Los consumidores también pueden realizar pedidos en todo el mundo con unos pocos clics del mouse. No se puede dudar de que los remedios en línea suelen ser menos costosos que los que ofrece una farmacia tradicional. Uno de cada cuatro estadounidenses ha investigado sobre medicamentos recetados en línea y muchos tienen una conexión regular con el mercado de medicamentos recetados. Ofrecen accesibilidad a personas con movilidad reducida y pacientes en áreas remotas. Los pacientes creen que los medicamentos que reciben de las farmacias por Internet son comparables a los que se venden en las farmacias “tradicionales”. Hay muchos peligros a considerar al comprar sus remedios recetados en línea. En cualquier caso, el futuro de la industria parece muy brillante. ¿Qué aspectos básicos sobre el mejor precio de Viagra deben conocer los consumidores? Seguramente también hay otras cuestiones sustanciales.
Conozca más sobre el asunto. ¿Cómo pueden las personas obtener información y recursos fiables sobre viagra generico? También puede resultar interesante hablar más sobre el tema.
|A continuación se presentan algunos puntos clave sobre el asunto. Nuestro artículo también analiza problemas más sutiles relacionados con algunas formas de elegir un mejor lugar para comprar medicamentos en línea. Hablemos sobre cómo puede asegurarse de que los medicamentos que obtiene a través de una farmacia de pedidos por correo sean seguros. ¿Dónde los consumidores pueden obtener información y recursos confiables sobre viagra generico? Todos podemos encontrar más información sobre el tema de muchas fuentes, como Internet, las redes sociales, incluso la familia.
Estas farmacias surten millones de recetas en línea en todo el mundo. Los medicamentos son esenciales para las patentes y, a veces, puede haber medicamentos que salvan vidas y que deben tomarse a una hora programada. Actualmente, elegir el mejor medicamento puede ser un desafío sin experiencia. Pero, antes de comenzar, debe aprender un poco sobre viagra generico.
Hay muchas opciones que tiene cuando solicita medicamentos y vitaminas en línea. En cambio, también hay varios genéricos. Lo primero de esto es que estos medicamentos son equivalentes a los de la marca original, pero normalmente son mucho más baratos. Por eso es tan importante recibir un tratamiento de un médico certificado por la junta. Por supuesto, antes de comenzar, debe aprender un poco sobre viagra generico. Vamos a dar respuesta a cualquiera de tus dudas de forma sencilla. Si este es el caso, puede encontrar que esta es una de las opciones más asequibles disponibles. Medicamentos como este, sin duda, van a cambiar tu vida. Siga siempre las instrucciones de su médico sobre la reducción de la dosis de Viagra. En la actualidad, existen diferentes opciones para los hombres que padecen disfunción eréctil.
|Elegir la mejor opción de tratamiento para una enfermedad peculiar puede resultar realmente confuso considerando las ventajas y desventajas de las metodologías de tratamiento existentes.
Generalmente, cuando las personas piensan en medicamentos, piensan en los efectos no deseados del medicamento. Aunque no es tan fácil de explicar, algunas personas obtienen medicamentos en línea sin receta. Para la mayoría de los hombres que tienen problemas para mantener una erección lo suficientemente firme para tener relaciones sexuales, los medicamentos orales a veces pueden causar efectos secundarios peligrosos. Ciertos medicamentos no son adecuados para personas con ciertas afecciones y, entre tanto, solo se puede usar un remedio si se tiene especial cuidado. Principalmente, si nota algún problema, asegúrese de comunicárselo a su profesional de la salud calificado. Siga todas las instrucciones en la etiqueta de su receta. En conclusión, póngase en contacto con su salud y manténgase saludable de por vida. Además, estos asuntos son una parte importante del equilibrio de la salud. La farmacia en línea es una manera perfecta de encontrar un médico calificado en su área que trate tales condiciones de salud.}
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Las familias en Alemania que se enfrentan a algún problema de salud, estas personas pueden obtener medicamentos en línea sin ningún problema. Si bien la accesibilidad son los principios impulsores de las empresas de Internet en el espacio de la salud, las nuevas integraciones tecnológicas conllevan una gran responsabilidad. Ya sea que tenga una receta de su médico o necesite que le receten un remedio convenientemente, las farmacias en línea le ofrecen más opciones para recibir medicamentos. Los profesionales y las personas deben saber que los medicamentos son auténticos. El costo continuo de los medicamentos puede ser un desafío, especialmente si está tomando más de un medicamento recetado. La razón por la que tantos consumidores se sienten obligados a realizar compras en línea es porque los precios de muchos medicamentos no son asequibles para muchos pacientes. Comprar al mejor precio puede resultar complicado. Cuestiones como el “precio de los medicamentos” están conectadas con numerosos tipos de problemas médicos. Los consumidores a menudo pueden obtener ayuda con el costo de sus medicamentos de programas públicos y privados. La mayoría de las compañías farmacéuticas tendrán programas de asistencia al paciente que brinden sus remedios a los pacientes a un costo menor. Un montón de medicamentos accesibles desde la Web a por qué perder el tiempo y visitar la farmacia si naturalmente puede comprar viagra generico quedarse en casa.
A continuación, se incluyen cinco pasos sobre el tipo de atención médica que recibe. Intentemos encontrar respuestas a varias preguntas sobre cómo comprar viagra generico y farmacias extranjeras. Responderemos a cualquiera de sus preguntas de una manera fácil de entender.

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Three Steps To Peace Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:17:04 +0000 […]]]> The Distance

My life is a trip! One minute I’m cruising at 70mph on wide open spaces, the next there are flashes of orange and yellow warning signs! The highway has ended and I’m detoured to a narrow side road…

Isn’t life like that? Some days I wake up and set my cruise control! I fly down the highway singing at the top of my lungs and before I know it, I can be in a completely different state of mind. Other times, I find my way has been detoured! To arrive safely I have to get quiet, pay attention and slow down!

“Detours” can have many forms. One minute you’re getting a routine mammogram, the next you’re fighting Breast Cancer. One minute you’re about to turn off the TV, the next you’re riveted to the screen watching terrorists attack the nation.

Wham! War is declared! Granted, in the light of the events of 9/11, and the death of my Mom from Breast Cancer, not all wars are equally significant but even small wars can claim casualties.

I have learned regardless of the global significance not to dismiss my wars…have you heard? It’s the little foxes that spoil the vine….

I’d been sick for days and things had piled up.

Note to new moms: There are certain things like bills and housework that are faithful to wait while you nurse a baby, take a needed nap or a bubble bath….but in the priorities of life eventually even they must be tended. I felt better so I decided to tackle the mail.

Mail Mountain had risen to new pinnacles! Heaped with junk mail, flyers, the usual coupons for stuff I don’t need and the early bird Christmas brochures… this looked easy enough. I quickly began sorting and the pile I named “garbage” grew quickly. Yippee! This is not so bad! I figured I’d be done in record speed when I opened an unusual envelope. I’ve learned to open everything because I have found unexpected checks in the mail….those are fun! This one wasn’t…..Poof! There went peace! Wham! Suddenly I was at war!

Yes, right then and there my kitchen became a war zone!

I felt my knees get a bit weak.

I told myself everything was going to be alright. Like good little soldiers, memorized passages of scripture came to full attention. My mind told my heart everything was going to be fine but my mutinous body was arguing the difference! My hands were shaking! My heart began beating faster and my stomach threatened to toss the protein shake I’d had for breakfast.

As it turns out, my body was the only part of me being completely honest!

We’ve all had news like that. News that staggers the mind, or breaks the heart. It’s a sign of life…to care, to feel, both the good and the bad….

In my past, I would have lectured myself…perfect love casts out fear so, “Fear not self!”.

Or, sadly, I would have ignored myself…even dismissed my self! I hate to admit it but I got caught up in a feel good gospel that preached that the body was to be bossed around, and if it spoke up it was to be ignored! And if that didn’t work starve it into submission through fasting….well, you get the picture.

My body spoke. I stopped and listened.

Here’s how I fought for peace and unity between my heart, mind and body….

I made 3 calls.

First call: I called on God. I told Him I was alarmed at the news and although I knew He said all would be well, my body didn’t seem to believe. You see, unfortunately my body had several experiences of things not going well and my body insisted on reminding my heart which put my mind on full alert status! I got honest with God.

Second call: I called my husband. Yes ladies! God first, then your spouse, or your BFF, or ….well you get the picture! He was working but I knew he’d want and need to know. It was reassuring to hear his voiced agreement with what my own mind was telling me. My body held on to breakfast.

Third call: I called a trusted friend…..A threefold cord is not easily broken! I spilled my guts, got real and laid it all on the table. I didn’t worry about loosing my super spiritual statis by admitting I was shaken up and was pretty sure everything would turn out for my good but the war might cost me an arm & a leg….in other words, I bawled my eyes out.

My mind said all is well. My body said no it isn’t!

My body called me to live in the moment and, embrace my humanity.

My body called me to listen to my….self. The truth is, my body knows all too well that things don’t always go well. It remembers wars past, scared skin…war wounds…I have found there is a big distance between faith and unbelief. However; there is a chasm between faith and denial.

As Christians we must listen and trust God to speak to us any way He chooses, whether through our spirit, our mind, our heart, or through the very body that He created in His very own image!

My news revealed a lack of unity between heart and mind, between spirit and body.

I am learning to listen and to be honest when I sense peace, like Elvis, has “Left the building”!

Thankfully…God is there, He will never leave me or forsake me! Truthfully, the news I recieved was upsetting. It still is. I am still going through…there is still a “ways to go”, as we say….but the war is won in my…SELF! I am going the distance with peace. Peace of heart, peace of mind and peace of body! I am going through with other “soldiers”. My Husband and my trusted friends have my back! They are armed and dangerous…we got the scars to prove it. Once the wounds healed we kinda show them off a bit to well, anyone who wants to hear our wars stories! Best of all, I am going through it with the Captain of the host, Jesus Christ, my LORD and my God!

God is in the here and now! And I can face anything because God, God Himself is with me, even in the distance. Like the Carol King song I sang recently at our local fellowship….”You just Call out my name, and you know wherever I am, I’ll come running…..” Just call!  God came to bring you and me, PEACE!

Heilmittel gibt es in verschiedenen Formen und wir nehmen sie auf unterschiedliche Weise. Es gibt Medikamente, die nur für Frauen bestimmt sind. Informationen über die Vor- und Nachteile von Drogen können aus vielen Quellen stammen, darunter aus dem Internet, den Medien und der Familie. Eine kürzlich durchgeführte Studie ergab, dass bestimmte Arzneimittel vielfältig sind und von Tag zu Tag schädlicher werden. Aber es gibt verschiedene Fragen, die damit einhergehen. Was müssen Patienten immer den Apotheker um professionelle Beratung bitten, wie man Viagra kauft? Aber ist das eigentlich eine gute Idee für Sie? Hier haben wir wichtige Informationen besprochen, die Sie berücksichtigen sollten, sowie Möglichkeiten, wie Sie gesund bleiben können. Es könnte sein, dass Sie darüber lesen. Wirst du Medikamente aus dem Internet bestellen? Sicher gibt es auch andere wichtige Fragen. Lassen Sie uns nun Antworten auf verschiedene Fragen zum levitra kaufen und zu verschiedenen Möglichkeiten finden. Natürlich gibt es auch andere erhebliche Probleme. Sicher, wenn Sie über die Angelegenheit nachdenken, sollten Sie versuchen, wichtige Details zu erfassen.
Was sind die wichtigsten Informationen, an die Sie denken sollten, wenn Sie Arzneimittel bestellen? Viele Männer halten verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente für sicher, weil sie von einem Arzt verschrieben wurden. Typische häufige Nebenwirkungen sind Gesichtsrötungen. Laut der Royal Pharmaceutical Society sind diese Mittel normalerweise sicher, wenn sie wie vorgeschrieben angewendet werden, und haben vergleichsweise wenige gefährliche Nebenwirkungen. Wir werden uns jede dieser Nebenwirkungen in zukünftigen Artikeln genauer ansehen. Trotzdem kann nur Ihr Arzt entscheiden, ob das Arzneimittel für Sie geeignet ist. Nehmen Sie zum Schluss Kontakt mit Ihrer Gesundheit auf und bleiben Sie ein Leben lang gesund. In diesem Sinne können Sie jetzt einfach ohne Probleme beginnen. Verbraucher sollten die online gefundenen Informationen jedoch immer objektiv behandeln. Denken Sie daran, dass Sie Medikamente ohne Rezept kaufen. Sie haben einfach keine Garantie für die Echtheit dieser Medikamente.
Obwohl einige Mittel auf ähnliche Weise wirken, hat jedes Medikament eine leicht unterschiedliche chemische Zusammensetzung. Ihr Arzt wird viele Faktoren sowie mögliche Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Medikamenten, die Sie einnehmen, berücksichtigen. Viele Arzneimittel mit demselben Wirkstoff sind in unterschiedlichen Stärken erhältlich. Wenn es Gruppen von Rezepten gibt, die alle ähnliche Aufgaben erfüllen, sind sie bei der Behandlung einer bestimmten Krankheit ungefähr so ​​wirksam wie die anderen. Sie können zwar Geld sparen, indem Sie günstigere Produkte nehmen, dies ist jedoch nicht immer eine gute Idee. Die Ärzte sind darin geschult, wie Sie sicher Abhilfe schaffen können. Gegenwärtig gibt es verschiedene Optionen für viagra generika für diejenigen, die an einem solchen Gesundheitsproblem leiden. Verbraucher können nützliche Informationen dazu aus evidenzbasierten Quellen wie dem Internet, den sozialen Netzwerken und sogar der Familie finden. Wissen Sie, was für Sie am besten ist? Dies ist ein Mittel zur Behandlung zahlreicher Infektionen. Was muss noch besprochen werden? Wo finden Sie korrekte Informationen dazu?
Was denkst du ist es? Es ist eine andere Frage, die wir diskutieren sollten. Die Forscher fanden heraus, dass der Missbrauch von verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen haben kann. Heilmittel können bei manchen Menschen gefährliche Nebenwirkungen verursachen. Unerwünschte Ereignisse können bei jedem Arzneimittel auftreten. Das Arzneimittel sollte nicht zusammen mit anderen ED-Behandlungen eingenommen werden, da die Sicherheit solcher Kombinationen nicht nachgewiesen wurde. Befolgen Sie unbedingt die Empfehlungen Ihres Arztes, einschließlich der vorgeschriebenen Einnahme der verschriebenen Mittel. Dieser Rat ist üblich, kann jedoch den Unterschied ausmachen, wenn Sie Informationen zu Arzneimitteln benötigen. Wie auch immer, die Umstände, die Ihre Entscheidung vorbestimmen können, können unterschiedlich sein. Dies sind wichtige Möglichkeiten, um sich um Ihren Körper zu kümmern, an die Sie möglicherweise nicht von Natur aus denken. Wenn Sie sich jedoch Ziele setzen, um diese Ideen in Ihrem Leben Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen, werden Sie den Unterschied sofort spüren, aber in den kommenden Monaten auch in mehreren Bereichen Ihres Lebens Ergebnisse sehen.
{Wie kaufe ich cialis generika?
Medikamente könnten Teil Ihrer täglichen Routine sein, um Ihre Gesundheit gut zu verwalten. Internet-Drogerien kombinieren garantiert niedrige Preise mit schnellem Versand. Wenn es darum geht, privat verschriebene Medikamente zu kaufen, bieten Ihnen Online-Drogerien mehr Auswahl beim Eingang Ihrer Bestellung. Da immer mehr Patienten online gehen, um ihre Gesundheitsprobleme zu verstehen, gehen einige auch online, um generische Mittel zu kaufen. Natürlich sollte jeder von uns Zugang zu wichtigen und kostengünstigen Mitteln haben, die zur Bekämpfung von Infektionen beitragen oder einfach die allgemeine Gesundheit verbessern. Der Online-Kauf von Generika kann eine gute Idee sein, solange Sie dies verantwortungsbewusst tun. Zugegeben, sobald das Generikum verfügbar ist, werden die Kosten sowohl für das ursprüngliche Markenprodukt als auch für das Generikum erheblich gesenkt. Sie haben sie natürlich im Supermarkt gesehen. Generische Versionen von Arzneimitteln sind in vielen ausländischen Märkten, einschließlich Kanada und den meisten Ländern Europas, legal. Generika sind grundsätzlich nur deshalb billiger, weil die Hersteller nicht die Kosten für die Entwicklung eines neuen Arzneimittels hatten. Generika sind im Allgemeinen etwas günstiger und meist genauso wirksam wie Markenmedikamente. Jeder weiß, dass es wichtig ist, darüber Bescheid zu wissen.
Wenn Sie cialis generika kaufen, erkundigen Sie sich bei einem qualifizierten Gesundheitsdienstleister, ob diese unschuldig sind, wenn Sie sie mit Ihren anderen Generika einnehmen.
|Wenn Sie online über Medikamente nachdenken, möchten Sie vielleicht mehr über dieses Problem erfahren. Zweifellos haben Sie bereits etwas darüber gehört, wie man cialis generika kauft. Viele gesundheitsbezogene Websites bieten mehr Inhalte und dies könnte die Patienten zum Thema führen.
Vielleicht wissen Sie bereits etwas über das Problem. Lassen Sie uns nun über verschiedene Medikamente sprechen, die Sie online kaufen können. Es ist wichtig, über sichere Wege zum Kauf von Medikamenten informiert zu bleiben. Wenn Sie über Ihre Behandlungsoption nachdenken, kann es hilfreich sein, einige wichtige Fakten darüber zu kennen, wo Sie cialis generika kaufen können.
Diejenigen, die Rabattmedikamente und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel in Betracht ziehen, werden häufig eine Reihe von Optionen zur Auswahl finden. Es ist verlockend, Medikamente und Kräuterergänzungen online zu kaufen, wenn dieselben Produkte so viel billiger sind. Vieles, was darüber gesagt wurde, gilt auch für natürliche Gesundheits- und Wellnessprodukte und alltägliche wichtige Toilettenartikel. Wenn Sie cialis generika kaufen, sollten Sie einige wesentliche Details kennen.
|Wenn Sie die Anziehungskraft auf einen bestimmten Partner verloren haben, ist es normalerweise unwahrscheinlich, dass Behandlungsoptionen zur Verbesserung der Potenz ihm helfen. Als die Mehrheit der Einzelhändler online ging, stiegen die Erwartungen und eine überwältigende Anzahl von Kunden erwartete, online die Mittel zu finden, die sie benötigen. Illegale Online-Apotheken versuchen möglicherweise, illegale “generische” Versionen dieser Originalmarkenmedikamente zu verkaufen. Fragen Sie Ihren Apotheker nach Informationen, wenn Sie sich über den Online-Kauf von Generika nicht sicher sind. Darüber hinaus machen Generika die überwiegende Mehrheit der landesweit verschriebenen Rezepte aus. Das Medikament ist verschreibungspflichtig und muss unter Aufsicht eines Arztes angewendet werden. Aber ist es wirklich das richtige Feld für Sie, cialis generika zu kaufen? Es gibt verschiedene ernsthafte Fragen zu diesem Thema. Darüber hinaus kann es auch zur Behandlung einiger anderer von Ihrem Arzt festgelegter Erkrankungen verwendet werden. Wenn Sie sicher sind, dass diese gesetzlichen Anforderungen erfüllt werden können und Sie wissen, dass die von Ihnen ausgewählte Apotheke sicher ist, ist es möglicherweise an der Zeit, Ihre verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamente aus einer Online-Apotheke zu beziehen. Während sich alle Symptome bessern können, bevor die Krankheit vollständig behandelt ist, nehmen Sie das Mittel für den gesamten vorgeschriebenen Zeitraum ein. Auf dieser Website finden Sie einige nützliche Informationen zu den Risiken von Arzneimitteln und deren Erforschung.
Was ist ein kostengünstiges Medikament, um Patienten bei der Aufrechterhaltung einer Erektion zu helfen? Der Rat ist unkompliziert, kann aber den Unterschied ausmachen, wenn Sie Informationen zu diesem Thema benötigen. Obwohl der Missbrauch verschreibungspflichtiger Medikamente viele Familien betrifft, können bestimmte Bevölkerungsgruppen wie Jugendliche einem besonderen Risiko ausgesetzt sein. Für die meisten Menschen, die keine Erektion bekommen, die fest genug für Sex ist, funktionieren Arzneimittel gut, verursachen aber manchmal schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen. Und die Pillen gelten allgemein als sehr sicher. Häufige unerwünschte Effekte können das sogenannte blaue Sehen sein, aber es ist sicherlich häufiger, wenn Sie mehr als die vorgeschriebene Menge einnehmen. Sie können eine Checkliste für Nebenwirkungen verwenden, um den Überblick zu behalten und Informationen schnell mit Ihrem medizinischen Fachpersonal zu teilen. Nehmen Sie dieses Generikum nicht in kleineren Mengen ein. Der Rat ist üblich, kann aber den Unterschied ausmachen, wenn Sie Informationen über Pillen benötigen. Normalerweise erfordert die Behandlung Geduld, um eine erwartbare Wirkung zu erzielen. Verbraucher sollten die online gefundenen Informationen jedoch immer objektiv behandeln. Schließlich können Sie Zeit bei Ihren Rabattmedikamenten und Kräutern sparen, indem Sie sie online bestellen.}
{Wie cialis generika?
Der ideale Zeitpunkt für den Beginn der Behandlung ist, bevor sichtbare Anzeichen auftreten. Die zunehmende Nachfrage nach Informationen im täglichen Leben von Millionen von Menschen hat dazu geführt, dass immer mehr pharmazeutische Gesundheitsdienstleister versuchen, ihre Gesundheitsprodukte vor ihren Konkurrenten zu positionieren. Wie finde ich Medikamente online? Die Verschreibung und Verwendung von Medikamenten ist jedoch Vertrauenssache. Für Kunden wird es immer einfacher, Medikamente online zu bekommen. Es gibt viele Online-Apotheken im Internet, daher sollte es kein Problem sein, eine vertrauenswürdige Drogerie zu finden. Sie bieten Kunden mit eingeschränkter Mobilität und Kunden in abgelegenen Gebieten Zugang. Die reduzierten Transaktionskosten werden in Form weitaus niedrigerer Preise an die Patienten weitergegeben. In beiden Fällen ist es nicht alles. Dieser Leitfaden behandelt alles von der Sicherung Ihres Computers bis zur Überprüfung und Bestellung von Viagra in zuverlässigen Online-Apotheken.
10 Möglichkeiten, gefälschte Medikamente zu erkennen.
|Deshalb interessieren sich viele für dieses Thema. Ist es für Sie aktuell, wie man cialis generika?
Lassen Sie uns Antworten auf Ihre wichtigsten Fragen zu diesem Thema finden. Das Bestellen von Rezepten im Internet kann eine kostengünstige Methode sein, solange Sie dies verantwortungsbewusst tun. Lassen Sie uns darüber sprechen, wie Sie sicher sein können, dass online bestellte Medikamente den Qualitätsstandards entsprechen. Ziemlich cialis generika oder andere Medikamente, die von einer virtuellen Drogerie angeboten werden, sind sehr elementar.
Es gibt viele gültige Internet-Drogerien, die legitime Rabatte anbieten. Wenn Sie Medikamente online kaufen möchten, tun Sie dies in einer legalen Apotheke. Die Lieferanten bieten Tausende von Arzneimitteln an, zu denen sowohl generische als auch bekannte Marken gehören. Es gibt Varianten von renommierten virtuellen Drogerien, in denen Patienten Viagra bestellen können.
|Zu wissen, wonach zu suchen ist, kann eine Herausforderung sein, insbesondere bei allen verfügbaren Optionen. Normalerweise sind viele Medikamente zu berücksichtigen. Können Sie verschreibungspflichtige Medikamente legal online bekommen? Es ist wichtig, die Vorteile verschriebener Medikamente sowie deren mögliche unerwünschte Wirkungen zu kennen und mit Ihrem Apotheker über mögliche Bedenken zu sprechen. Wenn Sie besprechen, wie Sie Viagra bestellen können, ist es viel wahrscheinlicher, dass Sie einen Plan entwickeln, der für Sie gut funktioniert. Wir alle können verlässliche Informationen aus vertrauenswürdigen Quellen wie dem Internet, den Medien und sogar Freunden finden. Dies sind sicherlich nur die Grundregeln. Wenn Sie Arzneimittel bestellen, sollten Sie darüber nachdenken. Seit Jahrzehnten helfen diese Medikamente, viele Störungen zu verhindern. Der ideale Zeitpunkt für den Beginn der Behandlung ist, wenn nur Symptome auftreten. Themen zur Bestellung von Viagra sind im letzten Jahr sehr beliebt. Einige Forscher achten auf solche Angelegenheiten. Haben Sie etwas über Nebenwirkungen gelernt?
Höchstwahrscheinlich hat jeder Mann zumindest etwas davon gehört. Wenn Sie Medikamente in Online-Apotheken bestellen möchten, erhalten Sie normalerweise zuerst ein gültiges Rezept. Es ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass nicht alle Medikamente wirklich nützlich sind. Wie alle Arzneimittel hat das Arzneimittel unterschiedliche unerwünschte Wirkungen. Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt, wenn Sie andere Arzneimittel einnehmen. Ihre Medikamente sind nur für Sie. Geben Sie es niemals an andere Personen weiter, auch wenn ihr Zustand mit Ihrem identisch zu sein scheint. Letztendlich sind diese Faktoren auf der ganzen Welt gleich. Wenn Sie diese Tipps befolgen, sollten Sie bereit sein. Darüber hinaus ist das Internet die geeignete Möglichkeit, um alle Arten von Arzneimitteln zu erwerben, da es das Vergnügen bietet, sich über das Internet zu bewerben.}

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All My Heart Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:16:05 +0000 […]]]> All MY Heart?
It was the summer of 1998….
I was at one of the lowest of low times. My marriage of nearly 16 years had come to a screeching halt. The police had responded to my first, my only, 911 call. With one call, light fell on the dark secret shame that shadows every battered woman.
When the dispatcher asked me, “Did he hit you?” my world stopped spinning. Everything became slow and deliberate as I heard a high pitched cry rise from the place that words fail. The wail of a broken heart…I found a whisper with voice and said, “Yes”.
With that one honest simple answer a flood of back waters rushed out the gate. The iron bars of silent suffering were broken and the weight of the dark waters couldn’t be contained.
The police came. They made him leave. Orders of protection were initiated. I navigated through the first days like a small boat in heavy fog.
I reached for the hem of Jesus much like the woman in the Bible story. She had suffered with an issue of blood for years. In a final act of desperation she defied her unclean state and publically pursued Jesus. When she touched the hem of His garment, a flow of virtue from Jesus healed her.
I love the story. But unlike the nice lady with the issue who touched His robe, I grabbed His hem, tied a knot and held on for dear life!  After a while, I began to lose my grip.
The final blows had left me with severe injuries to my neck and shoulder. I would have 3 surgical procedures and 2 years of physical therapy to repair the damage to my body. The injury to my spirit, heart and soul ran deeper than the surgeons’ blade and healing has been more of a process than an event.
I was exhausted. I was broken, in extreme pain, desperate and disappointed….in God. I had served Him with all my might and now where was He? What had it all been for?
I opened my Bible and as if leaping off the pages, the words enlarged and backed with light and like a megaphone blasting in my soul….
“I know the plans I have for you…. they are good and not evil…..plans for a future and a hope….you will seek me and find my when you seek with all your heart!” (Jer. 29:11-14)
Oh great! The future could be good. All I had to do was seek with all my heart. The problem?
My heart was broken and I feared it was simply worn out.
 It was as if I crawled up on His lap and lay my face to His heart, His face to my heart and there I peeked into the long locked up chambers. I saw self-righteousness had insidiously set up housekeeping. I saw hatred and resentment. I saw a victim mentality packed and ready to move in…. I saw dirty darkness and broken places. To me it would have been far less costly to junk the whole thing and start over. It seemed…beyond repair. But God said no! He found it beautiful, even desirable. He wanted my heart, all of it. He wanted the ugly, the broken, the infested….He saw beyond that and saw…me. The “me” that had been battered, threatened, and shamed into a dark locked up secret chamber. The imprisoned little girl whose song had been silenced, the unwanted adolescent, the unloved woman, He wanted it all and was willing to pay the ransom for my heart, for ….me. All of me.
It costs. It cost God his Son. It cost me, too. There are Holy currencies for these types of treasures. The currency of heaven found only in brokenness, humility, repentance, forgiveness, both sought and given… I can honestly say it’s been worth every tear I cried, every loss has been for my gain.
God wants my heart, and everything in it! I give Him my heart. Divine surprise! He gives it back to me! Touched, changed, larger, lighter, kinder, softer, sweeter, more…like His.
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Wisdom Works Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:15:09 +0000 […]]]> Wisdom Works
“Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out it’s 7 pillars. She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table.”

Proverbs 9: 1-2 NIV

Wisdom builds.
Wisdom builds with strength and substantial foundational pillars. Oh 4 might have held, but wisdom doesn’t stop at good enough!
Wisdom prepares for what’s coming and who’s coming!
Wisdom marinates.
In preparing spiritual meat, the wise seasoned soul is cognoscente of the palette of the partaker. Spiritual meat is meant to be marinated and delicious! Mull over the word of God, taste and see that the Lord is good.
Wisdom blends.
The mixing of wines boosts it’s flavor and compliments the meat. Gathering things of the spirit from only one vineyard, from only one camp never brings the depth and flavorful bouquet that the fullness of the mix brings! Wisdom mixes her wine. Wisdom drinks from many vineyards. Mixing various wines brings balance and fullness.
Wisdom sets her table.
Setting the table is a sign that you are welcome and wanted. You being here is part of the plan.
Wisdom does things ahead of time. Before the demands of the people, before the storm hits and the raging winds blow, before the crowd shows up hungry and in need of shelter, wisdom works!

Wisdom life works! It works! Can you hear the cry of Wisdom? Come! All you whose lives are just NOT WORKING! Are there some things that are just not working for you? Some plans that have crumbled under the stress of life? Hear now! The LORD has plans, and His plans work! There is a way to build life that is strong, stable, sure, fulfilling, and that leaves a good taste in your mouth! A life where your presence is desired and your place is prepared!

Proverbs 9 tells us there are many voices calling. Wisdom invites us to come….

“Come, eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed.
Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of understanding.” Proverbs 9:5-6 NIV

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Holy Voice Mail? Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:14:12 +0000 […]]]> Holy Voice Mail?

Growing up, when the phone rang, we were trained on how to answer the phone.
“Hello, McDonald residence. May I ask who’s calling?”.
The caller responded and then we were to say, “Please hold and I’ll see if they are available”. Or, “I’m sorry, _____ is unavailable, May I take a message?”.
Mom, a former Chicago executive, was a stickler over phone etiquette. Every person was to be treated as if they were the President of the United States. Period. My Dad was in business and was the Chaplain for the American Legion.
Every call held the potential for a need or need met.
Every call still does!
Now we have caller ID, Voice Mail, email, IM, texting, I could go on and on with the many ways you could live life interrupted.

Recently Tom and I listened to a fabulous teaching series. While we thoroughly enjoyed the humorous and clever teaching there was one hard driven point that troubled Tom. During a segment on the importance of establishing boundaries and setting priorities, the speaker used the story of Jesus walking on the water as a reference passage to rationalize and validate his use of screening calls sending anyone outside his rather small circle of last names to voice mail! Tom was incensed at the arrogant mocking of desperate people asking for help as if they were whining babies! So, we read his reference of the Mark 6 report of Jesus walking on water in several versions…..

Eugene H. Peterson said in The Message:
…..He intended to go right by them. But when they saw him walking on the sea, they thought it was a ghost and screamed, scared out of their wits. Jesus was quick to comfort them: “Courage! It’s me. Don’t be afraid.” As soon as he climbed in the boat, the wind died down…..

While it appears that Jesus did have intentions of passing by He chose to respond to the calls of his disciples, right away.
He did NOT send their calls to Holy Voice Mail and listen a week later.
The great Physician, Jesus, is on call 24/7!
I pray when my phone rings that I will remember my Mother’s teaching and Jesus‘ example! Those of us in ministry can relate to Physicians and new parents. Emergencies rarely happen between 9 & 5, and young ones need to be tended to continuouslyJ
Many are called….few are chosen!
Screening calls? Voice Mail? What would Jesus do?

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Gods Strategy Room Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:12:30 +0000 […]]]> God’s Strategy Room


When I think of a “Strategy Room“, I can almost hear the James Bond movie music! Bom-bom-bada-bom-bom bada….badada-badada- well you get the idea! It conjures up images of Top Secret information being shared in a secret location. Forget entering without identity badges, finger prints and eye scans. Okay, so now you’re thinking this woman has seen too many spy movies.

Well, maybe so.

Oh, but I have had a tiny taste of the real thing!

I was working in the family business, Amos Metal Products. I did pretty much anything my Dad told me to. I never thought about it. I knew if he asked me to do something I could do it. He knew me. He trained me. I knew him. It was that simple. I don’t ever recall feeling the least bit nervous or intimidated. It’s the same with my Heavenly Dad, God.

I know if God tells me to do something, I can. He knows me, He trained me.

At that time at Amos, I went to Redstone Arsenal every week for contract procurement. Amos was selected for many Department of Defense projects. We developed several prototypes for the military and for NASA. To get on post, first I had to go through the gate where the guard checked me and my car for proper identification. Then, I went to my destination where we did it again! There I was given access to designs the engineers had perfected for the projects they were developing. After reviewing the blueprints I chose whatever I decided would be suitable for Amos to submit a bid on. At the submission of the completed bid for the project there was a whole separate secure procedure for actually submitting the quote for the job. Once Amos secured the bid, there was even more security….well, you get the idea.

This has helped me many times in the war I find myself in here and now.

Yes, you and I are at war. There are real enemies that would love to steal our destiny, kill our hearts and destroy our lives. Why? Because God has big plans and Satan and his minions want what belongs to God.

The good news is God, through faith in Jesus has not only given us “security access” but He INVITES us into the most secret heavenly places! AKA, the Strategy Room! He wants to tell us what going on and gives us the opportunity to participate! He even lets us decide what we’d like to do! He doesn’t want mindless robots! We have choices and opportunities!

I any situation, according to Jeremiah 33:3, God will answer our call and gives strategies from heaven.

This truth has saved me from disaster! Not remembering has cost me big time.

There is much I do not know, cannot know, must not know….even some things I don’t want to know. Oh sure, I’m curious but it’s actually been more exciting NOT knowing and just being real.

I told a girlfriend recently that I felt urgently that I needed to talk to her. It was personal stuff, intensely personal. It was risky! I asked her if she might be interested to hear my impressions. She said yes.

Bom-bom-bada-…You here the music too don’t you?

I shared what I thought God had impressed on my heart regarding things I simply had no way of knowing! She said it was “right on” and gave her timely help on her journey.

Life is exciting filled with purpose and how-to’s from heaven!

Times were crazy busy during the last semester of nursing school. I was going to school full time, mother of 4 active kids, running a household, leading worship and the women’s ministry at church. Oh, did I mention I was also class president? My long history of abuse and unmet validation needs, mixed with some false teaching and performance based theology had created quite the perfectionist. Deep wounds festered while I performed all the “good Pastor’s wife” duties, trying to please God and the world – oh but that’s another story. Let’s just say it was not a good time to be sick!

Normally, I have boundless energy, even a bit hyper. You know- the captain of the cheerleaders type! (Yes, I was that, too.) But suddenly I literally couldn’t hold my eyes open. My Doctor ordered labs.

I tested positive for the Epstein Barr virus!

I was devastated. I had worked so hard to be a straight A student only to find failure knocking on my door.

God answered the door while I slept.

2 weeks of sleep later, I dragged myself to campus to take 3 exams that I wasn’t ready for. I prayed. I cried out and lifted it all up to God singing, ”I cast all my cares upon you“.

But first, I armed my weak self with information from the strategy room of God. He knew all the answers to my tests. I quieted my soul. Then, I listened with my heart wide open.

“I’ll be with you”.

It was that simple. My invisible God who knew all the answers was with me. I went in feeling almost like a cheater. A spy with a secret weapon….

When the tests were graded and being handed out all eyes were on me. Everyone knew I failed. What they were watching for was how I was going to handle it. Was I going to say bad words? Was all that prayer just a psycho babble crutch? When I received my grades all I could do was sob in sloppy choked up gasps for air. Everyone started crying with and for me. My friend Pam couldn’t stand it! In tears, she ran to my desk- grabbed my tests and with a loud surprised voice yelled,” She didn’t fail- she got all A’s”.

Pandemonium broke out! Every one was crying and hugging me.

You see, they told us from day one, “Look to your left and to your right…only one of you will make it to graduation“. Statistics. Facts. It made me mad. I felt a fire in my bones. I wanted to make history. I told the ladies to my right, my left and for good measure, the ones in front of me and in back of me that we were all going to make it. (Later it was the one to the right who nominated me for class president, the one on the left seconded the motion. I think all four of them voted for me.)J

What came to me was very simple, “Pray”.

So, I invited anyone who wanted to pray to join me before every exam. I could hear the laughter and worse, the jabs. One person laughed in my face and said, well, never mind that. Some things aren’t worth repeating. You get the idea.

That was it. Pray with whoever wants to before every test.

Amid snickers and sneers we prayed. Then it slowly grew.

One day, I lifted my head to see every student in our class standing in that circle of prayer. Did I mention that we had the largest percentage of graduating nursing students in the history of the school? Every single one of us went on to pass the NCLEX to become Registered Nurses. 100%!

God knows all the answers. He, well, He knows everything! He has a secret place where strategies from heaven can be heard. He has invited us in. He identifies us through Jesus Christ! We, through Christ are invited by God Himself to call, just call and He will answer. He will tell us marvelous, wondrous things we could never figure out on our own!

I have found myself in many tough situations since then, many of my own making. Maybe it will become a country song…..

I was in a pickle – but with YOU,

I came out smelling like a rose…..okay, maybe not!

I think I’ll stick to Bom-bom-bada-bom-bom-bada…..!

“This is God’s Message, the God who made earth, made it livable and lasting, known everywhere as God:’ Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.’

Jeremiah 33:2-3, The Message

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Too Perfect Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:10:06 +0000 […]]]> Too Perfect
I woke up to my morning pages which has become more prayer and meditation than mere journaling! It is where I come clean about things that bother me, dreams and otherwise random thoughts. I was at the bottom of page 2 in my journal where I noted:
“Oh dear, like flaws in a diamond; it is that very flaw which affirms that it is authentic! Too perfect only confirms that it is a fake”.
So it is with life. If there are no flaws, no imperfections needing to be graced over, rest assured beloved-the life examined is not authentic! What is being lived is artificial, counterfeit, and a cheap substitute for the authentically flawed life. When held to the light of God it is the imperfections that make it obvious to everyone that we are the real deal!
Like many hardened sinners, I was embedded in a deep dark cave. I was chiseled out of dirt, washed up and cut deep. The deepest facets were revealed through many a chisel and hammer blow carefully controlled by the Master Artist Himself! Those costly cuts create prisms when that living stone is held to the light. It shines even more when cleaned of all residue of this world from which it came. It becomes a living showcase of what Christ has done for every sinner who surrenders to His cleansing power and His purposes to create beauty from our former lump of coal existence.
Yet, there are flaws. Some are smaller than others which simply make us unique and prove our authenticity. It is the flawed stone that is actually far more valuable than the flawless fake which appears to sparkle, but has no real worth! There are many flaws in my life that simply must be graced over. There is no “cutting out” with-out weakening the whole thing or making it much smaller than it was ever intended to be. God loves the imperfect me. He loved me the way I was, but too much to leave me that way. Oh I’m still flawed but that just makes it clear, He’s….Perfect.
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High Maintenance Woman Mon, 23 Jan 2017 11:06:26 +0000 […]]]> High Maintenance Woman
Evidently, I am a rather high maintenance woman.
Here is a case in point;
I was seriously injured in 1998. I needed a lot of help. I had a wonderful Physician, Dr. Larry Barnes. He referred me to another Physician, who did a referral to yet another and on and on it went.
No one seemed maligned, shamed or in the least bit threatened that they needed the expertise the other specialists offered.
The more they learned the more there was to learn.
I feel that way. The longer I know God, the more there is to know of Him and about Him. Furthermore; I don’t know it all. I have learned to refer to other “experts” in the field. Doing this doesn’t take anything away from me, it actually adds to my life in incredible and enriching ways.
All the same, the polarity of the intellect and the feelings of the heart provoked a tug of war. My head says I have much to offer, my heart disagreed.
How could such a needy person have anything worthwhile to offer?
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me”! What wishful childish thinking we chant at the bullies!
Words harm the heart and the heart is much harder to set right than simple broken bones. Broken bones often require casting.
Harmful words ALWAYS require casting
I took those painful words, out of the dark night and cast them at the feet of Jesus. I asked for the Spirit of truth. In the light of truth dark words evaporate.
Here are some truths that stood in the light:
I need people.
I need my husband, and all that he adds to my life. I need his love and the gentle waters he washes over my soul.
I need and thank God for relationships with my children.
I need a small group of friends that I can be intimate with. The divine impartation from being in relationship is not only cherished, I need the safety net they hold under me when I am walking the high wires of my life.
I need the fellowship of believers. I am stronger being one of “us”.
I need God.
I need all His creation, including people, to see His hidden attributes.
I need the comfort of the Holy Spirit to assure me He has purpose for my life.
I need to give my gifts and I need to receive.
I was recently challenged at a marriage intensive, (I need them, too!), to see myself as a high maintenance woman! In my culture that implies a shallow female that requires all the new fashions, and costly accoutrements. You know the type, all  Vogue on the outside, vague on the inside.
He clarified; adding that it was what he loved about his own wife. He referred to a needy sensitive soul that felt life deeply and gave opportunity to provide fulfillment and softening to those blessed and called to get to be “used”, by God, to meet those needs.
I am actually experiencing great joy embracing my high maintenance needy self. It feels real.
It feels like a valuable vehicle that must be treated with care. I can’t run on just any kind of cheap fuel. Only the highest grade can go in my tank, but oh….when the road of life throws you a curve, when you need a grip on the road ahead, when it is time to get on the autobahn, you can count on me!
Then, I have to get off the highway and go back in the shop for pricey tune-ups! Oh sure, it is costly, but God feels I am worth it. It’s amazing to me. This vehicle called ME requires high maintenance.
Yes, I have many needs and it feels good to acknowledge them.
I feel grateful for people that pour life into me.
I am needed. I need. I AM a high maintenance babe for Christ!
I am not ashamed of needing my girlfriends to hold my hand and whisper a prayer for me before I have surgery or asking Melissa for her homemade fudge when I feel the need for chocolate therapy and a visit. I am learning to be vulnerable with some awesome safe people in my life.
I am learning to rev up my engine, shift gears and enjoy the ride!
It feels, well, alive! For years I have often signed, “Ever Learning”, before signing my name. I don’t know it all. I can’t know it all.
As a high maintenance woman, I am a needy giver, ever learning, with ever more to learn.
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